Oklahoma Attorneys Ready, Willing and Able To Help You
Attorney Paige Lee handles personal injury and family law cases for Lee Law in Stillwater. She is thoroughly experienced in all legal areas pertaining to family law.
Attorney Paige Lee handles personal injury and family law cases for Lee Law in Stillwater. She is thoroughly experienced in all legal areas pertaining to family law.
Many times, grandparents are the first to see the problems their grandchildren face due to a contentious divorce or substance abuse by the parents. Paige Lee can advise grandparents of the requirements necessary to obtain legal guardianship.
Adopting a child into your family is a very joyous, emotional and busy time. At this same point, you need to have required paperwork and court dates completed for the adoption to finalize. Trust Lee Law to ensure that all details of your adoption are completed correctly and submitted on time according to Oklahoma law.
Satisfied clients of Lee Law know that the firm handles family matters with personal attention, tact and concern. Call us at (405) 742-7452 or email Paige Lee to determine the next steps in your situation.